
Showing posts from September, 2022

#Security #Securities #Future #3G #5G #6G #Hacker #RSA #VMWare #Amazon #Microsoft #Alphabet #CISCO #CrowdStrike #Okta #Citrix

  Ask to help you for #Future ... I can help.   1. We have improved ... #Security #Securities  2. From 3G, today 5G and 6G!! With time we are #Hacker. 3. Please #RSA (#VMWare) was created look at data!  4. #Future most important!!   Revenue Net Income Revenue (Security) Okta (2022) ! Okta 1.3 B -848.41 M CrowdStrike (2022) ! CRWD 1.45 B -234.8 M Citrix (2022) CTXS 3.22 B 2.31 B 0.62 B VMware (2022) VMW 12.85 B 1.82 B 1 B Microsoft (2022) MSFT 198.27 B 72.74 B 10 B Alphabet (2021) GOOGL 257.64 B 76.03 B 4.62 b Amazon (2021) AMZN 469.82 B 33.36 B 18.4 B CISCO (2022) CSCO 51.56 B 11.81 B 3.4 B 2021 | Q3 Financials - Citrix Investor Relations   VMware Counts 30K Security Customers - SDxCentral,over%20the%20past%2012%20months .